Abour Erin Osun

Our fathers believed in the great God living in the sky and we worshiped Him through his representatives here on earth called ORISAS. ORISAS were men who distinguished themselves in a way while alive and before they died commanded that we should be worshiping them. They had had their own faults. OBATALA shaped people’s head and only if the was worshiped could he shape head well. But he used to get drunk at times. ESU was too deceitful and malicious. If he was not worshiped he could bring a great block on one’s way and confuse his ways. SANGO was always angry and it was whenever he was angry that fire comes out of his mouth.

We give time for ERINLE annually. When the time comes, we take ram with pounded yam, we take sekete wine for the worship. Everybody in the town both males and females are to worship Erinle with Olobu. On the fifth day, Erinle images would be brought out. Twenty-eighth day notice would be given, around August before the actual festival in September. Erinle had been worshiped before the arrival of Islam and Christianity. The ram would not be killed but would be thrown into the river alive. Akodo was the priest and there are many spots in the river we called Ibus which represented where Erinle’s son are living.

Traditional  Beliefs

peoples' tradition and culture has to do with the way they live, govern themselves, their religion, language, dressing pattern, the rules they set for themselves and their different festivals. People of Ilobu have a very strong sense of community and this has enhanced mutual understanding and meaningful development in the town. The basic concept of the Ilobu people's tradition includes religion, music, festivals, arts and crafts.

Arts and Craft

Nigeria as it's known for art and craft, Ilobu is a big arts and crafts centre in Nigeria. These include metal crafts, weaving, painting and sculpturing and leather work. Also, dyeing of clothes known as "adire" is well known in Ilobu. It is a special art of tying and dyeing of clothes to bring out unique designs. It is very popular all over the world.